sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

Human History Communication and Reflection

Our project "Human History Communication and Reflection" includes activities that take into account the horizontal and specific priorities recommended by the European Erasmus + programmes. We aim to address a varied range of topics, designing materials and activities that can be used by other students.

-Help build self-esteem and assertivity as a way of fighting discrimination and bullying, as well as a tool to promote healthy habits.
-To create awareness of cultural heritage and artistic expression (architecture, painting, literature,
music, etc.) as a way to appreciate where we come from and to decide where we are going to.
- To build bridges between school and society, focusing on real issues.
-Implement collaborative approaches to learning using information technology.

-Gender discrimination
-The promotion of sport practice among young girls.
-Knowledge of our cultural heritage as wealth, creation of employment and economic growth

-Literature and Territory: the creation of a Literary Atlas.


What kind of materials do you think you could create?


Workbooks (information plus activities)

Documentary Videos

Tutorial videos



Web page



Participants will be selected by the assessment of projects related to the topics and aims of this European programme

Projects must be presented individually. 

All the materials must use English, which is the language of the programme.  


Södra Latin and Norba Caesarina

Södra Latin, officially Södra Latins gymnasium, is a highly selective upper secondary school ("gymnasieskola"), situated in Södermalm, Stockholm.[1] The current school building was inaugurated in 1891.(Wikipedia)

Different students from all rural surroundings and from different social-economic backgrounds with a high score entry to Södra Latin apply to the five different types of programs: arts program with an aesthetic education at a high level in music, dance, theatre, art and design, natural sciences, social sciences, humanistic program. Södra Latin has also excellent provisions for students with special educational needs. 

Södra Latin has language exchanges programmes with different countries in Europe. 

IES Norba Caesarina secondary and high school, placed in the center of Cáceres, offers two educational levels: secondary education (4 years) and A levels or studies leading to university (2 years). There are about 800 students. The school follows an English-Spanish Bilingual project as part of a broader policy framework that pursues implementing and reinforcing the teaching of English as a foreign language. 

In order to motivate students, the school organizes different European exchange programs with Sweden and France. The school also organizes language and cultural trips to England, Italy and Germany.